CNGS Engineering Completed Another Project in the Northern Caspian Sea | News of CNGS Engineering Company

CNGS Engineering Completed Another Project in the Northern Caspian Sea

Oct 13, 2021 г.
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The works on laying the subsea power cable lines and subsea cables and sensors for the geodynamic and hydrological monitoring systems have been completed at Grayfer field in the Caspian Sea.

The Contractor carried out development of the detail design documentation, procurement of materials (excluding subsea cable), construction, including: route survey, underwater development of pits for pulling the cable into the OFP Support Structure (11760 m3), laying, burial (to a depth of 2.1 m) and backfilling of 2 nos. lines of 10 kV high-voltage subsea cable (the length of two lines is 9,300 m and 9,400 respectively), as well as construction of the geodynamic and hydrological monitoring systems, including laying and burial (to a depth of 2.0 m) of the cable (8,900 m) and installation of underwater equipment. 

All systems successfully passed the acceptance tests.

The cable was laid by the EAST RIVER cable-laying vessel equipped with the dynamic positioning system.

Burial to a depth of 2.1 m was performed using a remotely operated subsea tracked cable trencher.

All the works were successfully completed in accordance with the contract schedule and operational procedures approved by the Marine Warranty Surveyor and RMRS, as well as with proper quality and ensuring industrial safety conditions in the immediate vicinity of the Client’s existing facilities and communications.

Client: “LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhskneft” LLC

Field operator: “LUKOIL” PJSC