Installation of Living Quarters Platform (LQP) Topside at V.I. Grayfer Field on the Caspian Sea Shelf Completed | News of CNGS Engineering Company

Installation of Living Quarters Platform (LQP) Topside at V.I. Grayfer Field on the Caspian Sea Shelf Completed

Apr 25, 2022 г.
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As part of development of V.I. Grayfer field on the Caspian sea shelf “CNGS Engineering” company has completed another milestone of construction – Installation of Living Quarters Platform (LQP) Topside on the Support Base.

In April 2022 company commenced transportation of the platform topside along the Volga river and tow-out of the transportation-installation barge with topside through the Volga-Caspian Canal to the Caspian Sea.

The platform topside installation operation was successfully completed in full accordance with the Project schedule and requirements. 

Installation of the remaining key elements of the field development as well as construction completion works and hand-over of the facility for operation will be completed by the end of 2022.