Health and Safety Policy | CNGS Engineering Company

Health and Safety Policy

Safety is the main value and priority for all employees of the company.


To create and continuously maintain a favorable, healthy and safe work environment for personnel.


Priority of life and health of the employee over the performance results.
Days of incident-free work

The safety policy of CNGS Engineering Ltd is as follows:

  • comply with all requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and constantly improve its own safety management system in accordance with the recognized international industry practice;
  • guarantee confidence in strict observance and respect by personnel and contractors of the company's requirements in the areas of occupational safety and health;
  • provide personnel and contractors with exceptionally safe work places and take care of clients and visitors at our work sites;
  • require all employees of our company and contractors to work safely, as required by law and industry best practices.

Occupational Health and Safety Management

Health and Safety Management is the daily management priority in each division and branch of the company and is a common denominator for all employees from the worker on the work site to the Director General. Representatives of the HSE Service work closely with the senior staff and provide widespread support in improving the occupational safety management system and introducing new safety practices and technologies, both at construction sites and in company offices. The company’s occupational safety and health management system is well known and regularly reviewed in accordance with the industry best practices.

The company has stepped up its efforts to eliminate fatalities and injuries in all operations and has introduced advanced procedures to ensure quick identification of circumstances associated with such events.

"Zero Incidents" is a key task of the company.

Safety Performance

Over the past decade, the incidence rates and severity levels have improved significantly. The company's goal is absence of accidents. The company continues to pay significant attention to development of the occupational safety management system and protection of employee health, and attracts the necessary resources to increase its efficiency.

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