News | CNGS Engineering


%LANG{ru}В компании ООО «Си Эн Жи Эс Инжениринг» прошел конкурс детских рисунков и плакатов «Охрана труда и экология глазами детей».%LANG{en}Drawings and Posters Contest for Kids
From May 05 to June 05, 2023, "CNGS Engineering" LLC held a creative contest dedicated to the World Day for Safety and Health at Work and Safety and World Environment Day. The contest was attended by 22 children aged 6 to 14 years.
%LANG{ru}На шельфе Каспийского моря завершен монтаж верхнего строения Платформы жилого модуля (ПЖМ) месторождения имени В.И. Грайфера%LANG{en}Installation of Living Quarters Platform (LQP) Topside at V.I. Grayfer Field on the Caspian Sea Shelf Completed
As part of development of V.I. Grayfer field on the Caspian sea shelf “CNGS Engineering” company has completed another milestone of construction – Installation of Living Quarters Platform (LQP) Topside on the Support Base.
%LANG{ru}Завершено строительство и отгрузка крупнейшего модуля для обустройства месторождения имени В. И. Грайфера%LANG{en}Construction and load-out of the largest module for V.I. Grayfer field development completed
CNGS Engineering Company has completed all onshore scope of construction and installation works and loaded out Topsides of Ice Resistant Offshore Platform for its further transportation and installation in the Caspian Sea Field
%LANG{ru}Завершена очередная стадия строительства объектов обустройства месторождения имени В.И. Грайфера%LANG{en}Yet another Stage of V.I. Grayfer Field Development Facilities Construction Completed
LQP Topside Onshore Assembly and Loading-out onto Transportation Barge Completed
%LANG{ru}Компанией «Си Эн Жи Эс Инжениринг» реализован очередной проект на шельфе северного Каспия%LANG{en}CNGS Engineering Completed Another Project in the Northern Caspian Sea
The works on laying the subsea power cable lines and subsea cables and sensors for the geodynamic and hydrological monitoring systems have been completed at Grayfer field in the Caspian Sea.
%LANG{ru}На Верхнем строении платформы ЛСП смонтирован буровой комплекс%LANG{en}LSP Platform Topside Drilling Complex Installed
CNGS Engineering completed the works on the drilling complex equipment installation on the Topside of LSP ice-resistant offshore fixed platform for V.Grayfer field.
%LANG{ru}Завершены работы по взвешиванию, подъему и установке на транспортно-монтажную раму Верхнего строения платформы ЛСП-Р%LANG{en}Operations on LSP-R Platform Topside Weighting, Lifting and Installation onto Transportation and Installation Frame Completed
CNGS Engineering has completed weighting, lifting and installation of LSP-R ice-resistant offshore fixed platform topside onto the transportation and installation frame.
%LANG{ru}Строительство морской ледостойкой стационарной буровой платформы ЛСП-Р для месторождения им. В.И. Грайфера%LANG{en}Construction of LSP-R Ice-resistant Offshore Fixed Drilling Platform for V.Grayfer Field
CNGS Engineering proceeds with construction of the topside for LSP-R ice-resistant offshore fixed drilling platform for V.Grayfer Field in the Caspian Sea. The works are carried out at the construction base in Astrakhan, Russia.
%LANG{ru}Строительство морской стационарной платформы Жилого модуля (ПЖМ) для месторождения им. В.И. Грайфера%LANG{en}Construction of LQ Ice-resistant Offshore Fixed Platform for V.Grayfer Field
CNGS Engineering proceeds with construction of LQ ice-resistant offshore fixed platform designed for the personnel accomodation for V.Grayfer Field in the Caspian Sea. The works are carried out at the construction base in Astrakhan, Russia.

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