Operations on LSP-R Platform Topside Weighting, Lifting and Installation onto Transportation and Installation Frame Completed | News of CNGS Engineering Company

Operations on LSP-R Platform Topside Weighting, Lifting and Installation onto Transportation and Installation Frame Completed

May 03, 2021 г.
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CNGS Engineering has completed weighting, lifting and installation of LSP-R ice-resistant offshore fixed platform topside onto the transportation and installation frame.

The 6,000 t topside has been lifted to a design elevation of 10 m and installed onto the transportation and installation frame for further construction and subsequent transportation and installation onto the support structure already installed on V. Grayfer field in the Caspian Sea. 

All the operations have been successfully performed in accordance with the contract schedule, approved procedures and under the supervision of the Marine Warranty Surveyor and the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.

CNGS Engineering is the Contractor for the construction of LSP-R and LQ offshore ice-resistant fixed platforms, as well as for their transportation and installation on V. Grayfer field in the Caspian Sea.

Client: LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhskneft.