Новости | CNGS Engineering

News for 2022

As part of development of V.I. Grayfer field on the Caspian sea shelf “CNGS Engineering” company has completed another milestone of construction – Installation of Living Quarters Platform (LQP) Topside on the Support Base.
%LANG{ru}Завершено строительство и отгрузка крупнейшего модуля для обустройства месторождения имени В. И. Грайфера%LANG{en}Construction and load-out of the largest module for V.I. Grayfer field development completed
CNGS Engineering Company has completed all onshore scope of construction and installation works and loaded out Topsides of Ice Resistant Offshore Platform for its further transportation and installation in the Caspian Sea Field
%LANG{ru}Завершена очередная стадия строительства объектов обустройства месторождения имени В.И. Грайфера%LANG{en}Yet another Stage of V.I. Grayfer Field Development Facilities Construction Completed
LQP Topside Onshore Assembly and Loading-out onto Transportation Barge Completed

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